Saturday, August 27, 2011

Heathy Beauty

Did you know that you can just use oil to remove dirt and makeup from your face?
My skin is sensitive and prone to redness especially in the summer. I have felt for too many years that I am on a mysterious and rather pricey journey to find an effective and clean (free of chemicals) beauty regime that doesn't irritate my face. Since I was pregnant, and now breast feeding my son, it is especially important the ingredients that I put into my body. And yes, the ingredients in our beauty products, shampoo, deodorant and makeup are all consumed transdermally into our bodies.

Last month, I had the amazing opportunity to meet Alexandra Spunt, coauthor of No More Dirty Looks. In my brief consultation with Alexandra, she not only simplified and beautified my life, but saved me a lot of money. She told me to stop the daily gentle exfoliation I was doing. "Our skin needs its top layer to hold in moisture and protect itself from the elements." The coconut oil that I have been using on my body would be just as 'safe' and wonderful for me to use on my face as a cleanser and moisturizer, especially in conjunction with a good mist. "The water oil combo really supports what our skin already does naturally."

After a week of practice, I am happy and confident to share that my new beauty regime not only yields beautiful skin but is simple simple!

Organic Coconut Oil ( and Rose Water

Other oils Alexandra recommends:
Rosehip Seed

Want to clean up your own beauty regime?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Honoring our Creativity

Six years ago, Amy Weber opened up Semiprecious bead salon. It's not just another bead shop, but a gallery and studio where you can get your creative juices flowing in her exquisitely edited selection of gemstones, chains, and all the other jewelry fixings. You can design your own jewelry and have it made for you or take lessons and learn to do it yourself.

Don't you want to know who this woman is behind such an enticing and creative space? I have been excited to feature her home, style and art since I first imagined this blog. Fortunately, she said yes to me photographing her life behind the scenes. I arrived at her Santa Monica home at 2 in the afternoon to freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and vodka cocktails. In no time at all, we were catching up on our hopes, dreams, challenges and life's mysteries.

Amy is a good girl from Oklahoma. Her first loves were fashion and music, not knowing yet that she could choose even more creative outlets. As a flight attendant for many years she got to explore cities, cultures and art happening all over the world; so her love of fashion expanded to include painting, interior design and jewelry making.

Her walls are adorned with her most recent metallic and jewel toned paintings.

Like her shop, there are inspiring vignettes throughout her home that she changes and rearranges season to season.

Her signature looks are open toed heals, and layered bracelets and necklaces.

Amy not only has all the exteriors that make us girls green with envy, she has a quick wit and sparkling personality. She has taught me much about what really matters in life as dear friends do.

A no fail remedy is to give when you think you have nothing to give.
The world is big enough for all of our successes.
The best things in life don't necessarily come from the smartest or most talented but those willing to share what's in their heart.

I know Amy's is made of solid gold.

For more information about Amy's art and designs visit